Saving your payment information for easy ordering is a feature we offer for your convenience, and is not required. When you opt to use this feature, your information is encrypted and stored safely.

Credit card information is never stored directly on Modern Coin Mart’s server and is encrypted with strong industry standard cryptographic protocols when transmitted to our payment processor for final authorization.

Should you ever want to delete your saved payment information, you can remove it by going to the account setting page and clicking the red X beside each saved payment method.

©2024 (MCM), is a retail distributor of coin and currency issues and is not affiliated with the U.S. government. The collectible coin market is unregulated, highly speculative and involves risk. MCM MAKES NO WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR PROMISES AS TO ITS PRODUCTS EXCEPT THOSE SET FORTH IN ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS ARE MADE. Prices, facts, figures and populations deemed accurate as of the date of publication but may change significantly over time. All purchases are expressly conditioned upon your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions; to decline, return your purchase pursuant to our Return Policy. © All rights reserved.
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