Canadian Coins are some of the most collected coins in the world next to those produced by the United States Mint. While Canadian coins are known to have collectible value, it is their high quality designs and metals as well as their variety that has brought them this popularity.
One of the most popular Canadian coins is the Silver Maple Leaf. This is a favorite of not only collectors, but also bullion buyers. On the bullion side, this coin is extremely pure with a fineness of .9999, and has a high face value of $5 Canadian. On the collector side, there have been quite a number of collectible Silver Maple Leaf coins issued. Some are proof, others are reverse proof, and others still have a unique design. Recently, the Royal Canadian Mint actually produced a low mintage Silver Maple Leaf that was the shape of a maple leaf instead of being a round coin. This was an instant hit and sold out at the Mint very quickly.
The Canadian Gold Maple Leaf is highly desirable as well. While there are fewer collectible issues, this is one of the world’s most well-known gold bullion coins. The Gold Maple Leaf has an impressive fineness of .9999. In addition to Gold and Silver Maple Leaf coins, the Royal Canadian Mint has a very popular Lunar series. Like the Australian Lunar series, the design of these coins follows the Chinese Zodiac. Aside from the Lunar series, the Royal Canadian Mint produces a wide variety of low mintage coins just for collectors. They often create a series which has several designs and they may all be released over the course of a single year or multiple years. Some of their most popular series are Looney Tunes, Canadian wildlife, Canadian history, and superheroes from DC Comics. These collectible coins from Canada often sell out quickly and it isn’t unusual to see mintage figures in only the 4 or 5 digit range. If you’re looking for graded Canadian coins, remember that MCM has an exclusive label with NGC displaying the Canadian flag and Niagara Falls.
Canadian coins offer some of the best collectible and bullion buying opportunities of World Coins. When it’s time to add another world coin to your collection, MCM is sure to have something that’s perfect for you.